# Connection details # If your SMTP server does not support SSL, remove the -UseSSL parameter from the Send-MailMessage cmdlet $smtpServer = "smtp.testdomain.com" $port = 25 $username = "username" # Storing passwords in files as plain text is not recommended. Use the following command to generate an encoded secure string from your password: # ConvertTo-SecureString "password" -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString # Replace the line below with $password = ConvertTo-SecureString "SecureStringReturnedFromTheAboveCommand" $password = ConvertTo-SecureString "password" -AsPlainText -Force # Email header $sendTo = "to@testdomain.com" $sendFrom = "from@testdomain.com" $subject = "File uploaded to Bitvise SSH Server" # Email body $uploadEndBy = "The file was closed by session teardown and is likely to be incomplete." If ($env:SSHUPLOADENDBY -eq "CLIENT") { $uploadEndBy = "The file was closed by the client." } $uploadNew = "An existing file was used." If ($env:SSHUPLOADNEW) { $uploadNew = "A new file was created." } $uploadResize = "" If ($env:SSHUPLOADRESIZE) { $uploadResize = "At least one file resize request by the client was successfully completed, or the existing file was truncated when opened." } $uploadUser = "" If ($env:VIRTUSER) { $uploadUser = "virtual account " + $env:VIRTUSER } Else { $uploadUser = "Windows account " + $env:SSHWINUSERDOMAIN + "\" + $env:SSHWINUSER } $message = @" New file uploaded by $uploadUser Client address: $env:SSH_CLIENT Local path of file: $env:SSHUPLOADFILE Number of bytes written: $env:SSHUPLOADBYTES $uploadEndBy $uploadNew $uploadResize "@ # Preparing credential and sending the e-mail $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $password) Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtpServer -Port $port -UseSSL -Credential $credential -To $sendTo -From $sendFrom -Subject $subject -Body $message