ErrorFlags Enumeration


enum FlowSshC_ErrorFlags
  // Notes:
  // - Error (exception) has occurred during FlowSshC function call.
  // - Handler implementation may throw exceptions with this flag.
  // - InCall and InHandler flags are always exclusive.
  FlowSshC_ErrorFlags_InCall    = 0x01,
  // Notes:
  // - Error has occurred in one of the user provided FlowSshC handlers.
  // - Handler implementation must not throw exceptions with this type.
  // - InCall and InHandler flags are always exclusive.
  FlowSshC_ErrorFlags_InHandler = 0x02

[C] Members

  • InCall: Internal error occurred during a FlowSshC function call. Your ErrorHandler implementation may throw exceptions with this flag.
  • InHandler: An error (exception) occurred in one of your registered FlowSshC handlers. Your ErrorHandler implementation must never throw exceptions in this case, as they cannot be handled by the application.


Specifies possible error types reported to an ErrorHandler. This enumeration is a bitflag. InCall and InHandler are always exclusive.